Monday, March 29, 2010


Joe and I joined another couple for our first dinner out in a restaurant on Saturday. It was a complete success, so when you come to visit we can now go out to dinner or whatever. We are getting back into our gym, PT, and acupuncture schedules. Joe also was able to drive his chair down the street and and up and down a small hill in the neighborhood. He is also planning to go see a bike race in Livermore in a few weeks and then go to a track meet in Berkeley in May. A full social schedule.


  1. Sandy and Joe, this is such great news! The next time we are in town we can go out to dinner. It won't be soon (long story), but looking forward to seeing you both. Hi to Shasta!


  2. This is great news! Congratulations, Joe!!

    Scott and I just returned from a week in Bolivia. It was very interesting and we had a great time although we came back sick with something. We visited Noah Friedman-Rudovsky (the photo journalist) and Jean Friedman-Rudovsky (journalist for among other places). Google them both to see their activities.

    Love, Nan

  3. Hi Joe...
    It's not from Anonymous!

    I sent a message to your old email address but I don't think you're reading those. Sue and I were in Mexico in March. We are anxious to see you again, maybe bring some Greek food?

    Hope you and Sandy do well. Take care,

  4. Yussel & Sandy, it's been a while since I last wrote but I've been recovering from a face plant on macadem about 6 weeks ago here in Sarasota, FL. I don't recall the fall from my scooter but it was not much fun. However, I'm just about "back" & we rtrn to PA tomorrow to see if I can locate the desk in my office.

    I was excited to read the Baclofen pump & Botox were having a favorable but measured success in reducing spasticity. By now, I hope the dosages have been refined so the affect is real. It was also great to read you guys rcntly had dinner out. That musta been "an event to remmbr."

    Keep up the good work & expect to receive my weekly emails now that I'm "back" w you to follow sooner rather than later.


    Gene "Rkt" Levin
